Generating new content on a regular basis is a constant struggle for most marketing professionals. A simple blog post or article can necessitate hours of research, writing, and editing, which can put a strain on marketing resources.
Content curation is an excellent alternative. When done correctly, it can boost your organization’s credibility and visibility, while reducing the burden on your marketing team. By finding and annotating quality articles, industry reports, and other relevant content from outside sources, content curation can help position your company as a thought leader within your industry space, and a resource for current and potential customers alike.
Here are three tips for improved content curation:
- Establish areas of interest: Before you dive in, take some time to brainstorm: What distinguishes “valuable content” for your purposes? To define this concept, make a list of industry-specific journals and websites that typically produce the type of content your readers will find interesting. What qualities or topics do those pieces share? It may be helpful to make a list of keywords, phrases, and industry terms to look for, in a central document that’s updated regularly. If you ever opt to outsource the research portion of the process, that document will serve as a guide for whoever takes over the task.
- Add context and analysis: Once you’ve found the content you need, it’s important to put your own spin on it. Adding your own information will distinguish your blog or account from a content aggregator and make it clear that you’ve vetted and engaged with the information you’re endorsing. It also provides an opportunity to contextualize the content by explaining how and why it connects to your own company, and what you think the reader might gain by reading it.
- Review and respond to feedback: Even marketing professionals can’t always predict what content will resonate with a particular audience. Tracking and evaluating reader responses, including views, clicks, and other forms of engagement, will help you to develop a more nuanced understanding of your audience over time.