Before you make a costly investment in a new marketing software platform, you probably plan to research and compare potential vendors, to avoid pouring money into a system that doesn't support your needs. But the research itself can be pricey-- with individual subscriptions to Gartner Reports starting around $20,000 per year. That's a hefty price tag for most small-to-medium size businesses, but the insight and criteria-based comparison Gartner offers can be hard to beat. Fortunately, many Gartner Reports are available to read or even download, free of charge, if you know where to look.
Here’s a list of marketing-relevant Gartner reports, available for free, courtesy of the software vendors credited below...
(Source: Contently)
(Source: Zaelab)
(Source: Gartner)
(Source: AdForm)
(Source: AirShip)
(Source: SmartBotHub)
(Source: Marketo)
(Source: commercetools)