Digital marketing is an intimidating undertaking. If you're not already a seasoned pro, it can be tough to know where to start. We've assembled a list of some of the best (free!) online tools, designed to upgrade every aspect of your digital marketing game.

For email marketing: MailChimp
Email marketing has a relatively high ROI, but services intended to manage your email outreach campaigns can be pricey. MailChimp’s free plan allows users to send up to 12,000 messages per month, to a list of up to 2,000 subscribers.
For headline help: Headline Analyzer
On average, five people will read your blog or article’s headline for every one person who reads the actual content. If your titles aren’t making an impact, you could be turning away potential views without even realizing it. Headline Analyzer helps you write impactful titles that will make your content stand out.

For proofreading: Grammarly
Minor spelling and grammar issues can have a serious affect on how your content it perceived. Grammarly is a great way to ensure that your i’s are dotted and your t’s are crossed, before your content goes live.

For content editing: Hemingway App
Beyond spelling and grammar, the Hemingway App will help your content maintain the right pacing and flow, for maximum impact. The service highlights readability issues like meandering sentences and instances of passive voice.

For video content: Ripl
Video content is undeniably one of the most impactful ways to reach your audience. Ripl offers a free toolset designed to help you create videos, add text, and distribute your creation across whatever platform you see fit.

For finding influencers: Right Relevance
If you’re looking to target influencers in your industry, knowing where to spend your money is vital to achieving the ROI you expect. Right Relevance will help you identify the movers and shakers in your space.

For social media monitoring: Social Mentions Search
Social Mentions Search provides a free glimpse at what’s being said about your product or service on social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Social Mentions Search delves into comments and message board posts to provide a holistic view of what’s being said about your business.

For Facebook-specific monitoring: Facebook Audience Insights
When it comes to social media, Facebook is still king. Facebook's Audience Insights tool gives you a look at your own Facebook audience, as well as what's being said about your company and your competition.

For SEO optimization: Google Keyword Planner
This tool allows you to search for potential keywords based on search terns related to your website, branding, product, or service. It also generates traffic statistics, like Google search volume, which shows how many times a particular keyword has been searched over time.